Friday, March 14, 2014

Impatiens 2014? Don't do it!

If your impatiens were affected by downy mildew in 2012-2013, you are not alone. Gardeners throughout the country shared your experience. The following discusses  the disease and explains what can be done to have a more successful garden this season.  Better not to plant impatiens in 2014 just to be safe.

 What is it?
Downy mildew is a devastating disease that can spread by air and by the ‘splashing’ of spores due to rain and overhead watering. It is prevalent across the country and can come from any number of places.
Downy mildew growing on an impatient leaf.
Downy Mildew
What are the symptoms?
Early symptoms include yellowing or stippling of the leaves or a white, downy-like color on the underside of the leaves as well as stunting of growth. Advanced symptoms include a grayish, fuzzy substance on leaves and stems. Leaf and flower drop will eventually result in bare, leafless stems.
How did I get it?
Downy mildew is a water mold. The disease spreads most commonly when the foliage stays wet for extended periods of time and there are cool night temperatures and moist conditions. Therefore areas of deep shade, beds that receive overhead watering and densely planted beds are more highly susceptible to downy mildew. T
What if I get it?
Once the disease is identified remove all of the plants and plant debris (leaves, flowers, etc.) from soil and containers. Spores can overwinter in the plant debris so the removal is imperative to help limit future spread. It is not recommended to plant impatiens in that location for several years. Chemical treatments are not recommended as most are ineffective.
Tree with white impatiens blooming around its base.
Impatiens before downy mildew appears.
What about New Guinea Impatiens?
Downy mildew only affects impatiens walleriana. New Guinea impatiens have proven to be highly tolerant to the disease.
What else can I plant?
There are many other beautiful flowering plants that thrive in shade:
New Guinea Impatiens

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